5 easy steps to a DIY textured styling board for flat lays

October 13, 2020

This is a fun and inexpensive method to create a styling board for your photography flat lays in 5 easy steps. Be that you are shooting onsite or at home, these styling boards will fill a void and keep your photos looking professional, every time. If you are new to flat lays, in short they […]

Flat Lay

Wedding poses at Sydney Landmarks

October 6, 2020

We’ve all been there, you’re shooting the bride and groom on location at one of Sydney’s (or any well known location in the world‘s) landmarks and you are stumped on how to pose the newly wedded couple and their bridal party. It initially seemed so easy, how can a photograph of one of the most […]

Sydney Harbour Bridge Bride Groom

How to photograph a wedding bouquet

September 25, 2020

The centrepiece to any bride is her stunning bouquet of flowers. So it’s important as photographers that we capture it not only in the best light, but in all the most flattering positions. Over the years we have come up with a few of the following examples that are an absolute must in our, and […]

How To Photograph a Bouquet

Welcome to our wedding photography blog!

September 24, 2020

Moments Photography now has a wedding photography blog page!! [Crowd Cheering] This has definitely been a long time coming and we have a LOT of content to share with you. We’ve finally managed to find some time with all of our postponed weddings this year. We will be offering our top tips for all things […]