EMILY & MATTHEW | wedding videography at The Tea Room, QVB | Sydney

February 9, 2020

The Tea Room, QVB | Sydney

This wedding has such a massive place in our hearts – we will never forget this. Emily and Matthew got ready at the Hilton in Sydney and were originally planning on having their ceremony at the beautiful Royal Botanic Gardens overlooking the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

However, extreme weather conditions prevented this from happening – seriously extreme, it was some of the heaviest rain ever recorded in Sydney. There was flash flooding, gusty winds, trees fallen everywhere and a literal umbrella graveyard.

Their ceremony and reception ended up happening at the same place in the Queen Victoria Building (QVB), in the stunning The Tea Room.

There’s a funny part in the video where you can see how many umbrellas were left for the bridal party (there were four of them under a single umbrella at one point).

We couldn’t believe how this amazing group of people remained in the highest of spirits throughout this entire ordeal – and an ordeal it was.

Despite the weather proofing, our camera equipment started to get moisture in them – we immediately went home via Woolies and bought the biggest bag of rice we could and put our cameras inside for several days – they were fine!

This video shows how nothing could get in the way of this couple’s love for each other and the kindness of their family and friends. It still gives us a perfect mixture of chills and absolute joy